Barley flour contains all of the barley kernel's healthy and natural elements‚ the germ, endosperm and bran. Barley contains a special type of fiber that is especially good fo..
Jowar contains a good amount of fibre, around 48 per cent of what is required by our body on daily basis., jowar helps in digestion.Puffed Jowar is a healthy snacking alternative w..
Jowar help facilitate your digestion, manage obesity, regulate blood sugar levels and curb the risk of high blood pressure and strokes. Jowar has a whopping 22 grams of protein. Pr..
Jowar Flour(aata) is Gluten Free, high on fibre and Protein rich. It is produced by grinding small round grains of Jowar into a fine powder. Jowar yields a flour which is creams wh..